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Record breaking rain
In August, for the first time on record, the summit of Greenland received rain and not snow, just as temperatures in the region soared higher than freezing for the third time in less than ten years. The occurrence caused concern since experts show that Greenland is quickly warming up.
The melting incident spanned 337,000 square miles, and the sheet accumulated 7 billion tonnes of rain within three days (Greenland's ice sheet is 656,000 square miles wide). The rain mixed to high temperatures led to a massive melting at the top, adding volumes to fears of fast ice melting, thereby increasing the worldwide level of the sea.  

Why is Greenland’s rain a cause of worry?
One of the most catastrophic melting events of the previous decade last month, when Greenland lost 8.5 billion tonnes of surface mass in one day, the third such event in the past decade. The climate report "code-red" released by the UN found that the burning of fossil fuels led to Greenland melting in the last 20 years.
Conclusion - No Nature No future
The 'safe' limit for global warming has been declared by scientists as 1.5°C. If temperatures rise, reasonably harmful alterations in the natural environment will influence the way human lives are. This will happen before the end of the century by many experts, who anticipate increases of 3°C or more. Countries are being urged to take objectives by the middle of this century to decrease their emissions of greenhouse gases to a net-zero. In other words, all emissions would be balanced if an equal amount were absorbed by planting trees. This is the belief that the most severe impacts of climate change will be prevented by halting fast temperature growth.
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